On-time, error-free documentation for meat and dairy exports

All the costs and penalties aside, in logistics, we really just want stuff to get where it's going when it's supposed to.

—Literally everyone

What happens when there’s a mistake in the documents?

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Blame game

Companies waste time pointing fingers rather than fixing the problem.
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Missed sales targets

Capacity is not infinite, lost opportunities equals lost revenue.
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Logistics companies accessorial charges

Penalties for late shipments or missed windows leads to missed expense targets, killing profits.
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Carrier and your products are left waiting at the dock or at the border

Have you heard that trucks are hard to find lately? Delay a driver unnecessarily for 24 hours and it doesn't get any better.
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Being on the government's radar is never a good thing

Repeated issues lead to intensified inspections (10-20 next shipments full inspect), corrective actions, and—worst case—suspension of license to export.

XportEase reduces errors and recovers instantly when there is an error.

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Dedicated staff who do this all day, everyday

Experienced in thousands of shipments, across multiple product types.
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Simplifying the documentation process

First gather and confirm all the information, then use the information to complete the forms.
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Eliminate broken telephone

Collecting available data directly from warehouse management systems and ERP/EDI.
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Secondary review to increase peace of mind

Two pairs of eyes.
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Closing the loop in the real world

With a couple of taps, we'll verify the physical shipment.
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Recover – fast

Generating instant in lieu of documents when needed.

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